This was by far one of the best thrillers I've ever read. It was so bone-chilling I could actually feel the killer slicing into his victims, and you can bet I looked around more than once thinking I heard something!
The book's focus is mainly on the killings but also of the people directly related to the killer, of course they have no idea they are related to him, but this of course just added to the thrill of it all.
I will say that I felt slightly disappointed that the author revealed the killers identity to me within the very first chapter, but truly only momentary disappointment, because this little twist, made it so much more on edge.
Here I was as reader in full control of the knowledge yet I could not do anything about it.
I had to sit back and watch it all unfold, okay so I lie I did not sit and relax at all I was jumping out of my seat every-time the killer zero's in on a victim or gets within slicing distance.
You can bet me yelling out loud " Oh heck she's a goner" and " Oh bloody heck get out man, get out now!" made those around me sit up, take notice and then they ran !
The author's descriptions of scenes were so intense it totally blew me away, and I am talking about more than once. I could actually vividly picture the blood, the gore, the guns blazing and I felt the victims fear and anger.
The characters were all extremely realistic, none of that glossy fake perfect killer and victim types, nope the characters were so real they might as well have been based on true people. They are flawed just like you and I, they get confused, angered and scared out of their wits just like us real folks and this made the read even more astounding!.
Word to the wise, if gruesome, graphic and truly deep, dark and very, very disturbing is not you idea of a good read, this book is not for you. If however you also get stuck on those reality killer shows, where you cannot stop yourself from watching to find out the what and who and how, this read is right up your alley.
You won't turn into a killer but you will most definitely be transported into the mind of a truly phenomenal psychologically screwed killer that acts and looks just as normal as you and me.
The language is crass at most times, but you need to remember that you are inside the mind of a killer and since when has a killer ever worried about watching his language!
This was the first time I read anything by this author but you can bet it won't be the last. The author has a brilliant way of writing , it but me front and center for all the action and one helluva pure adrenalin rush of a ride.
A truly bone chilling, fascinating ,slice and dice, keep reading you know you want to exceptional read!
5/5 star review
" To catch the butcher you need to think like him, or is that be him?"